

Here we construct a periodic chain with $11$ nodes. The separation between nodes is $1$ by default.

using LightLattices

chain = RegularLattice((11,); label=:chain)

Square Lattice

Now, let us construct a square $11\times11$ lattice with the size of the square equal to $2$.

using LightLattices

square_lattice = RegularLattice((11,11), 2; label = :square)

Cubic Lattice

For the cubic lattice example, let us draw inspiration from the real world. The Fluorine nuclei in $CaF_2$ consitute a cubic lattice with lattice parameter $a=2.725\mathring A$. Let us construct fluorine sublattice of size $11\times11\times11$ with free boundary conditions:

using LightLattices, Unitful

fluorine_sublattice = RegularLattice((11,11,11), 2.725u"Å"; label=:cubic, periodic=false)

Diamond lattice with homogeneous unit cell.

The lattice of diamond is face-centered cubic with a unit cell consisting of two nodes. Let us take the size of cube equal to 1. The following creates diamond lattice with $11\times11\times11$ unit cells with periodic boundary conditions:

using LightLattices

fcc_basis = 0.5*hcat([0,1,1],[1,1,0],[1,0,1]) |> SMatrix{3,3}

diamond_cell = HomogeneousCell([[0.0,0.0,0.0], [0.25,0.25,0.25]]; label = :diamond)
dimond_lattice = RegularLattice((11,11,11), fcc_basis, diamond_cell; label=:fcc)

Here, HomogeneousCell constructor takes the vector of coordinates of the nodes. Coordinates can be expressed as Vector-s, SVector-s or NTuple-s. Under the hood, all coordinates are converted to SVector-s.

Magnetic sublattice of fluorapatite with inhomogeneous unit cell.

This example is going to be quite elaborated, but it illustrates the application of additional type of unit cell: InhomogeneousCell. Fluorapatite has the hexagonal structure with the space group $P6_3/m$. The three lattice parameters are $a=b=9.462\mathring A$ and $c=6.849\mathring A$. The $\bf{c}$-axis is orthogonal to $(\bf{a}, \bf{b})$ plane and the angle between $\bf{a}$ and $\bf{b}$ is $120^\circ$. Thus, we can construct the basis as

using Unitful

const a = 9.462u"Å"
const c = 6.849u"Å"

fbasis = hcat(a*[0.5, 0.5*sqrt(3), 0.0],
              a*[0.5, -0.5*sqrt(3), 0.0],
              c*[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
             ) |> SMatrix{3,3}

The unit cell for magnetically active sublattice of fluorapatite contains two F nuclei at positions

\[[0.0,0.0,0.25],\quad [0.0,0.0,0.75],\]

and six P nuclei at positions

\[\begin{array}{lll} [x,y,0.25], & [1-y,x-y,0.25], & [y-x,1-x,0.25],\\ [1-x,1-y,0.75], & [y, y-x,0.75], & [x-y, x, 0.75], \end{array}\]

where $x=0.369$ and $y=0.3985$. All the coordinates here are relative to the basis fbasis.

Since we have two different types of nuclei, it is a good idea somehow to separate these two groups in the unit cell. In this case, one should use InhomogeneousCell.

const x = 0.369
const y = 0.3985

cell_vectors_raw1 = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.25], [0.0, 0.0, 0.75]]
cell_vectors_raw2 = [[x, y, 0.25], [-y, x-y, 0.25], [y-x, -x, 0.25],
                  [-x, -y, 0.75], [y, y-x, 0.75], [x-y, x, 0.75]]

fcell = InhomogeneousCell([fbasis*vec for vec in cell_vectors_raw1], [fbasis*vec for vec in cell_vectors_raw2]; label = :fluorapatite_magnetic)

Finally, we can construct the lattice. Let us choose the size of $11\times11\times11$ unit cells and periodic boundary conditions.

fluorapatite_magnetic_sublattice = RegularLattice((11,11,11), fbasis, fcell; label = :hexagonal)