
Type Hierarchy

All the types exported by the package are the subtypes of

abstract type AbstractNodeCollection{D,T} end

This type describes an arbitrary collection of nodes in D-dimensional space. The coordinates of the nodes are stored internally as instances of SVector{D,T}. Hence, parameter T describes the type used to store the coordinates.

All the unit-cell types are subtypes of abstract type AbstractCell.

abstract type AbstractCell{D,T} <: AbstractNodeCollection{D,T} end

Analogously, we define the supertype for lattices:

abstract type AbstractLattice{D,T,PB} <: AbstractNodeCollection{D,T} end

The additional parameter PB can be either true for periodic boundary conditions, or false for free boundary conditions.

At this point there is only one subtype of AbstractLattice, which is RegularLattice. In the future, I may add additional types do describe, for example, disordered lattices with vacancies.

Lattice construction

The general constructor for a regular (without disorder) lattice looks like this:

RegularLattice(lattice_dims::NTuple{D,Int}[, basis::SMatrix{D,D,T}, unit_cell::AbstractCell{D,T1}]; periodic = true, label::Union{Symbol,Nothing}=nothing).

General lattice consists of a unit cell which is translated in space by the vectors of the Bravais Lattice. Thus, the meaning of the entries is the following:

  • lattice_dims is the tuple specifying the size of the lattice along each of the basis directions.
  • basis is the matrix, which columns are the basis vectors of the underlying Bravais lattice.
  • unit_cell specifies the collection of nodes which is used as the unit cell of the lattice.
  • periodic specifies the boundary conditions: true for periodic, false for free boundary conditions.
  • label is either nothing or a Symbol; it is a label to refer to the lattice (may be useful to automatically generate the name for the computation which uses particular lattice).

The variables basis and unit_cell can use different internal types to store coordinates. However, when the lattice is constructed, they are promoted to the single type.


You should not mix dimensionful and dimensionless types. The promotion would lead to an error in this case. This is made intentionally.

Convenient constructors

If the variable unit_cell is omitted, it is assumed that unit cell is trivial, i.e. consisting of a single node. If basis is omitted as well, hypercubic lattice is constructed. Instead of basis, one can specify the lattice spacing in this case:

RegularLattice(lattice_dims::NTuple{D,Int}[, a::Number = 1]; label = :cubic, periodic = true)

Unit Cells and Indexing

There are three types of unit cells: HomogeneousCell, TrivialCell, InhomogeneousCell.


This type is used when there is no distinction between the nodes of the cell. The general constructor looks like

HomogeneousCell(node_coordinates::Vector; label::Union{Symbol,Nothing}=nothing)

where node_coordinates specifies the coordinates of the nodes. The coordinates can be specified either as SVectors, Vectors or NTuples of same element type and length. Under the hood, coordinates are converted to SVectors.

One can access the coordinate of the $i$-th node as



TrivialCell is used by default when no unit cell is specified. It corresponds to a unit cell with single node.

For consistency of interface, TrivialCell behaves like a HomogeneousCell with single node, which has zero coordinates. One can even index into it:

getindex(::TrivialCell{D,T}, 1) = zero(SVector{D,T})


This type is useful if one needs to distinguish between the several groups of nodes.

For example, one can consider a crystal consisting of several types of nuclei, let's say, "A" and "B". Then, if one needs to get the coordinate of the $i$-th nuclei of type "B" inside the unit cell, one calls

cell[i, 2]

Generally, if one needs to access the coordinate of ic-th node inside ig-th group, it is done by

cell[ic, ig]

If one does not care about the groups, one can index into InhomogeneousCell as if it was a HomogeneousCell:


This works with lattice indexing as well.

The general constructor for the type is

InhomogeneousCell(group1_coordinates::Vector, group2_coordinates::Vector, other_group_coordinates...; label=nothing).

Lattice Indexing

Default style

For D-dimensional lattice, the default style of indexing is

lattice[I::CartesianIndex{D}, Ic...]

Here, I is the index of the cell, and Ic... specifies the position inside that cell. To be precise,

  • in the case of TrivialCell, the default indexing is
  • in the case of HomogeneousCell, it is
lattice[I::CartesianIndex{D}, ic::Int]
  • in the case of InhomogeneousCell, it is
lattice[I::CartesianIndex{D}, ic::Int, ig::Int]

One can always index into lattice as if it has a HomogeneousCell unit cell, i.e., using the default style for lattices with HomogeneousCell unit cell.

Alternative style

The alternative style of indexing is to splat I and Ic into single tuple. For example, we can index into $3$-dimensional lattice

  • with TrivialCell as
lattice[x::Int, y::Int, z::Int]
  • with HomogeneousCell as
lattice[x::Int, y::Int, z::Int, ic::Int]
  • with InhomogeneousCell as
lattice[x::Int, y::Int, z::Int, ic::Int, ig::Int]

With alternative indexing, one can again use the style for lattices with HomogeneousCell unit cell for lattices with other types of unit cell.

Boundary conditions

For the lattice with free boundary conditions, the boundschecking is performed both for index of the cell and the index inside the cell.

In the case of the lattice with periodic boundary conditions, the boundschecking is only applied to the index inside the cell. If the cell index is outside the boundaries, it is simply translated back inside the boundaries.

As an example, let us consider two cubic lattices of similar size, but with different boundary conditions:

cubic_free = RegularLattice((11,11,11); periodic = false)

cubic_periodic = RegularLattice((11,11,11); periodic = true)

For the former lattice, cubic_free[12,12,12] leads to BoundsError. For the latter lattice, cubic_periodic[12,12,12] is equivalent to cubic_periodic[1,1,1].

Relative coordinate

The package exports the function

relative_coordinate(collection::AbstractNodeCollection, I1, I2)

which returns the coordinate of node I1 relative to node I2. The format of the indices I1 and I2 depends on particular type of the collection (they should correspond to the default style of index). You can find default style of indexing for unit cells in Unit Cells and Indexing section. The default styles for lattices are listed in subsection Default style


If the index in default style is multicomponent, it is passed into relative_coordinate as a Tuple. Single Int or single CartesianIndex{D} are considered single-component.

Lattices with periodic boundaries

In the case of the lattice with periodic boundary conditions, one is interested in the shortest connecting vector for two nodes. The meaning of the shortest here is the following. One can translate the lattice periodically in all directions. If one specifies the node, the translation of the lattice produces the images of this specific node. The shortest connecting vector is determined by picking the first node or its image, so that the distance to the second node is minimal. In the case of the lattice with non-trivial cell, it is possible that this procedure is ambiguous: there can be several connecting vectors with the same minimal length (these vectors are related by symmetry).

In this package, I resolve this ambiguity by using a specific heuristic. Let me consider two nodes with indices (I1, Ic1...) and (I2, Ic2...). Here, I1 and I2 are CartesianIndices of cells, Ic1 and Ic2 are indices inside the cells. In the case of a lattice with periodic boundary conditions relative_coordinate returns

lattice[Ic1 + central_cell - Ic2, Ic1...] - lattice[central_cell, Ic2...]

Here, central_cell is literally the index of the central cell of the lattice:

central_cell = CartesianIndex(div.(lattice_dims, 2) .+ 1)

In reality, it is central only if lattice dimensions are all odd. In the case of even dimensions it gives the index of one of several central cells.

The idea is quite simple: both Ic1 and Ic2 are translated by the same amount so that Ic2 points to the central cell. Then, Ic1 is translated back inside the boundaries (it is performed implicitly while indexing into lattice). Finally, the resulting indices are used to compute the relative coordinate.


This heuristic satisfies the important property of reciprocity:

relative_coordinate(lattice, I1, I2) == - relative_coordinate(lattice, I2, I1)


The package provides eachindex implementation for all exported cell and lattice types. For cells, the iteration order is as follows: first nodes inside a group, then the groups themselves (if there are any groups). For lattices, the iteration over the unit cell indices is preceded by th iteration over lattice indices.

In addition, to that, the package provides a function to compare the indices:

takes_precedence(I1, I2)

This function returns true if index I1 occurs before index I2 in the iteration order. Correspondingly, it returns false otherwise.